
Exhibition “365+ Days”

This exhibit observes more than one year of remote instruction brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project invites all Cal State LA undergraduate and graduate students to share images of themselves and/or their study space, representing how they worked through the unexpected and extreme changes caused by the lockdown in March 2020.  365+ Days is curated by MA and MFA graduate students under the supervision of Mika Cho, Director of the Cal State LA Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery. 

The submissions chosen for the exhibition will be installed in the Silverman Gallery from summer 2021 to fall 2021.  The installation will be comprised of printed images and a video tour of the exhibit with narration/voiceover.  This video will be shared with students, staff, alumni and donors, as well as the community at large.  Further, we intend to publish a catalogue of all submissions to the 365+ Days exhibit. 

The core conceptual framework of this project came from many conversations about how our students have confronted, coped, struggled, overcome, and even advanced themselves in this extraordinarily challenging time. In addition to the inability to be on campus physically and the obligation to learn how to replace in-person communication with new electronic platforms, our students have dealt with issues of family, work, finance, relationships, and the degradation of the environment, not to mention the huge social and political issues in our nation. This project will create a forum to encourage our students to find their own creative voices.

 Submission requirements

All students in undergraduate and graduate programs at Cal State LA are eligible to submit an image with a short description (100 or fewer words) representing a theme or personal experience during this extraordinary time.

Submission materials MUST include: 

  1. A completed submission form, with a short description (100 or fewer words) of your image.  

  2.  Your image representing the exhibition theme above:

    • Cropped to a square (1x1) format

    • No larger than 10MB and in a .jpg, .tif, or .pdf format

Submission deadline: May 31, 2021

Submission materials should be sent to: art-gallery@calstatela.edu
(Note: Please also send any questions or clarifications to the email above)

The Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery

The Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery is committed to the four pillars of the University’s strategic plan: Academic Distinction; Engagement, Service, and the Public Good; Student Success; and Welcoming and Inclusive Campus.  The mission of the Silverman Gallery is to serve the needs of a diverse urban university community by providing a forum for exploring a wide range of visual cultures.  That mission includes innovative programs that reach out to and serve diverse audiences both within and beyond the University community.  As the gallery has been a vital part of the University – representing and displaying works by alumni, professional artists, LAUSD children in addition to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students – the “365+ Days” exhibit complements our pursuit of truly representing and mirroring the University’s experiences.